Moog Vst 4 Fre
MinimogueVA is an emulation of the classic Minimoog but includes additional features such as dedicated Release knobs for the two Contour Generators (envelopes), Tuning of Osc 1, Fine Tuning sliders for Osc2 and Osc3, Aftertouch control, 3 Overdrive sliders: one per oscillator (sort of a chorus effect to help thicken the sound), Oscillator Sync, Oscillator Drift (to emulate a drifting analog. THE MOST PERFECT MOOG free vst I ever found. Reply bumblebee Mar 09 2013 (5 / 5) Mar 09 2013 This plugin save me some money ($200+ bucks to be. THE MOST PERFECT MOOG free vst I ever found. Reply YaBoyJDOB May 08 2011 May 08 2011 Straight Funky!!! A must have, can't believe it's free!!!! Reply IQ Feb 11 2011 Feb 11 2011 Class synth man! Easy to control and has some proper quality sounds.:Well done).
Very few times is the virtual emulation of a synthesizer capable of providing the same results as those that were provided by the original. And Minimonsta manages to do so with one of the best synthesizers of all times: Minimoog, manufactured from 1971 to 1982.
There is a challenge with curating this list of best free VST synths, because, so far, many of the VST synths we have named can really be considered the “best” free synthesizers you can download. And discoDSP’s OB-Xd is constantly referred to as the “best” as well. And listening to its sounds, utilizing it’s interface, and working. Moog Modular V, developed in partnership with Bob Moog, offers endless possibilities for synthesis: 9 oscillators, 3 filter slots, 2 LFOs, 8 envelopes, VCAs, triggers, a sequencer, a filter bank.
Emulate the sound of the legendary Minimoog
This virtual simulation of Minimoog clones the main features of the synthesizer designed by Bob Moog and adds some additional options thanks to the power of modern computing, like polyphony or an additional LFO.
The waveforms have been recreated with precision, the same can be said about the filter and its behavior. You'll have ADSR envelopes that you will be able to send to any parameter with variable wavebands and various synchronization or delay options. Minimonsta can carry out all kinds of modulations by means of MIDI, protocol that will also allow you to handle the software by means of any compatible control surface.
A VST like Minimonsta will allow you to create all kinds of sounds. Make the most of the Minimonsta presets or create your own. If you need the best Minimoog emulator, your clearly have to choose Minimonsta and create your own music.
The Minimoog ! one of the synth that had the biggest impact in history of synths.
This is a difficult task to emulate the moog sound with virtual synth, you have to take care of the electronic components and their characteristics.
Let’s start the dance :
1. MinimogueVA by Gunnar
Download and information : Gunnar archive site
Based on the Richard Brooks synthedit sources of “mogue”, this is a very nice VST emulation of the famous miniMoog synthesizer.
It’s a Synthedit creation : It works for Windows and 32 bit VST hosts.
You can also found a polyphonic version (MinimogueLuxus VST).
The three oscillators are here, and the filter does the job.
A simple arpeggiator is also a nice addition.
2. Model Mini by ElektroStudio
ModelMini VST
Info & download :
A free VST that can stand for the “best free VST recreation of a Moog synth” title.
Sounds good, works for Windows (32 bit).
3. Freemoog by Cyclik
download now ! =>
Created with Synthedit, it sounds different than the two previous VST synths, but it sounds good.
And that’s all we want. It’s free, and works in all 32 bit VST host under Windows.
Vst 4 Free Moog

4 RA Mowg by Chris Anderson
Emulation of a Minimoog model D. Created with synthedit. Free vst cafe. It’s not bad.
5. ASynth by Antti.
download and test it :
It’s not really a Minimoog emulation, but with its two oscillators and the filter set on “MINI” , it does “Moog-ish sounds”. The quality is superior. Don’t forget to check out the Taurus emulation on the same site too !
ASynth VST is donationware, and still one of the best VSTi.

Moog Vst 4 Free
6. Minimoog+ by Synthfellow
Synthfellow Minimoog+ VST
Info : archive & download
This is an oooold VST plugin created with Synthedit about 10 years ago.
It has some playing/retrigger bugs, some parameters are not well “calibrated” and the presets don’t do it justice.
But with some tweaking, it can do nice leads and bass !
7. Prodigious by Synthescience
direct download + info
A good synthedit creation, it’s inspired by the legendary miniMoog, and it adds some interesting features : chorus + delay. You can modulate the filter, and there’s an arpegiator!