Moog Voyager Vst Plugin
The Minimoog ! one of the synth that had the biggest impact in history of synths.
This is a difficult task to emulate the moog sound with virtual synth, you have to take care of the electronic components and their characteristics.
Sounds can be saved as VST or AU presets and then sent to the Moog using the “Send Panel” button. Free pink noise plugin vst. When you open your DAW’s project the snapshot is sent automatically to the edit buffer of the synth.
Grab the best free Filter VST plugins available from our free plugins library! Jun 03, 2010 The Moog Multimode Filter is a ‘digital-only’ tabletop filter set that combines the best of Bob Moog’s classic designs with select features from his final Voyager instrument. Moog Voyager PlugSE V1.0 1 Welcome! Thanks for purchasing the Moog Voyager PlugSE Editor plug-in, developed by SoundTower Inc. This proprietary plug-in is installed in your audio software as a Virtual Instrument (VST Instrument or Audi-oUnits) and will control all of the functions found on the Voyager. The Blamsoft has released the VK-1 Viking Synthesizer – free software VST synthesizer which emulates the Moog Voyager synthesizer. Better said it is a monophonic synthesizer with three continuously. Anamogue Sub is a single VST instrument recorded using a Moog Voyager synthesizer. All samples have been processed to achieve the ultimate sub bass that is smooth and full of analogue warmth. Audio Animals Anamogue Sub (Moog Voyager) x64 x86 VST AU WiN MAC. By Angitu Posted on 2019-12-15. TB-303 x64 x86 VST.
Let’s start the dance :
Moog Bass Vst
1. MinimogueVA by Gunnar
Download and information : Gunnar archive site
Moog Source Vst
Based on the Richard Brooks synthedit sources of “mogue”, this is a very nice VST emulation of the famous miniMoog synthesizer.
It’s a Synthedit creation : It works for Windows and 32 bit VST hosts.
You can also found a polyphonic version (MinimogueLuxus VST).
The three oscillators are here, and the filter does the job.
A simple arpeggiator is also a nice addition.
2. Model Mini by ElektroStudio
ModelMini VST
Info & download :
A free VST that can stand for the “best free VST recreation of a Moog synth” title.
Sounds good, works for Windows (32 bit).
3. Freemoog by Cyclik
download now ! =>
Created with Synthedit, it sounds different than the two previous VST synths, but it sounds good.
And that’s all we want. It’s free, and works in all 32 bit VST host under Windows.
4 RA Mowg by Chris Anderson
Emulation of a Minimoog model D. Created with synthedit. It’s not bad.
5. ASynth by Antti.
download and test it :

It’s not really a Minimoog emulation, but with its two oscillators and the filter set on “MINI” , it does “Moog-ish sounds”. The quality is superior. Don’t forget to check out the Taurus emulation on the same site too !
ASynth VST is donationware, and still one of the best VSTi.
6. Minimoog+ by Synthfellow
Synthfellow Minimoog+ VST
Moog Vst Free
Info : archive & download
This is an oooold VST plugin created with Synthedit about 10 years ago.
It has some playing/retrigger bugs, some parameters are not well “calibrated” and the presets don’t do it justice.
But with some tweaking, it can do nice leads and bass !
7. Prodigious by Synthescience
direct download + info
A good synthedit creation, it’s inspired by the legendary miniMoog, and it adds some interesting features : chorus + delay. You can modulate the filter, and there’s an arpegiator!